When Fireworks are Frightening – We’re Here to Help

By June 30, 2020Blog

By Staff Member Leanne S.

Fourth of July is a day for celebrating with family, BBQ, and fireworks. However, for our pets, the Fourth of July festivities can be frightening and dangerous.

When a pet is experiencing fear, anxiety, and stress (FAS) you may notice some of the following signs:

  1. Attempt to escape
  2. Vocalizing (barking, whining)
  3. Panting/Drooling
  4. Cowering/Hiding
  5. Refusal to take valuable treats
  6. Trembling/Shaking
  7. Yawning
  8. Mooneyes or furrowed brow
  9. Excessive lip-licking

Here are a few tips we hope will help make this a safe and enjoyable holiday for the entire family:

Allow your pet access to a safe place such as a crate or quiet room.

Be sure the windows and curtains are closed.

Play calming music (such as Through a Dog's Ear) which can soothe your pet and mask outside noise.

Consider a compression garment. They don’t work for all dogs, but when they do, the results are profound.

Prepare food puzzles (KONG) stuffed and frozen so that they are ready to give your pet when needed

If your pet is not accustomed to using a crate, wearing a compression garment, or playing with food puzzles, please introduce these items long before the holiday. If you have any questions about crate training or other behavior modification ~ training ideas, give us a call, we’re here to help.

Please know, even if you’ve successfully employed all of the above tips, medications are still necessary for many animals on the Fourth of July. These medications are intended to reduce anxiety and allow the pet to rest. Every pet is an individual and we may ask you to try a trial dose at home before the holiday to assess the effects. Please don’t wait – let’s talk about medications far in advance of the holiday giving us time to try – and assess – before the big event.

Being prepared will help ease your pet’s stress on the Fourth of July – which will, in turn, help ease your worries about your pet’s behavior during fireworks.

We are here to help. Please give us a call if you need medications, pheromones, or tasty dental chews to help make your pet’s 4th of July experience Fear-Free and as enjoyable as possible.

Here is a link to an Interactive Web Page from the makers of SILEO. Turn on the sound and turn up your speakers.

Learn More Here

Update: We’ve recently started carrying a new medication, SILEO, which helps to calm dogs without sedation. SILEO is now available through our hospital and is the only FDA approved treatment for canine noise aversion. SILEO is a prescription medication and the law requires a current annual health exam. If you and your veterinarian agree this is an appropriate medication for your dog, one of our staff members will show you how to administer this medication properly so that you feel comfortable and prepared before the Fireworks begin.

Note: SILEO is not approved for use in cats.